Your Move, Sony

 Microsoft and Sony have been engaged in what is irrefutably the longest game of chicken the gaming industry has ever seen. Neither side has been willing to play their hand and announce pricing and launch date(s) first. That is, until last night. Tech enthusiast Brad Sams fundamentally broke the internet by unveiling not only the physical design of the Xbox Series S, but its price point as well. Shortly after, Windows Central Gaming confirmed via Twitter not only the information for the Series S, the Series X as well!

Series S: $299.99

Series X: $499.99

Both launching November 10th, 2020.

As of this morning, Microsoft has also confirmed via their own channels not only the validity of this information, but has also given the official commercial for the Series S. This is big. Really big. With pricing being pivotal at the start of any generation, Microsoft has essentially dropped the gauntlet and is daring Sony’s marketing team to answer back. President and CEO, Jim Ryan has been shouting “Value, value, value!” from the mountain tops regarding the potential pricing of the PS5 and now is the time to prove this rhetoric. 

Let’s be 100% honest here; The Playstation 5 is going to sell well, no question about it. The amount of Mindshare Sony has accumulated during the tail end of the PS3 era and throughout the PS4’s lifespan absolutely ensures a successful launch. However, if they think that consumers aren’t paying attention to their position on price, they’re grossly mistaken. Price matters more for this upcoming gen than ever before. The unfortunate reality of a Global Pandemic, uncertain economic stability, social tension, and all manner of 2020 induced horrors means that people are clutching their pearls tightly and looking to glean any bit of positivity they can.

With the Series S and Series X, Microsoft is offering affordable gaming powerhouses for each budget and preference. Combined with their All Access payment plan, the titular Gamepass subscription service, xCloud mobile gaming, an impressive Backwards Compatibility solution that extends to previous gen accessories as well as games, and you have a recipe for one helluva’ gaming Souffle. After what has felt like an eternity of waiting for either side to say something, anything, regarding price and dates it’s actually exhilarating to have concrete data out there.

Make no mistake, I’m super excited to see what Sony does in response. That is, if they even plan to. Both companies are planning to launch their products in what is arguably the most volatile economic situation in years, so who knows what can happen between today and November. What I do know is that Microsoft is putting the consumer at the forefront of their marketing strategy and it will pay dividends in the long run. Sony will see success thanks to its strong and consistent offering of exclusive content and I can only hope they plan to be as aggressive with pricing as Microsoft is. 

So I say again; Your move, Sony.