The Will of Odin

Ubisoft and Xbox have given us one final gameplay deep-dive for Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla; this time, with footage 100% captured on the Xbox Series X. Right out of the gate you will notice the consistency and smoothness of the game running in 4K at 60fps. Be it while sailing over vast lakes with the dawning Sun beaming in the horizon, in mid-combat with multiple foes, galloping through dense fields, or dodging ethereal bolts of lightning during a boss fight, Valhalla looks to be performing extremely well.

The visual fidelity is rather impressive. Now, keep in mind that this is still a cross-gen game that will be available on existing consoles. However, the amount of detail in the foliage, clothing textures, armor & weapons, and overall aesthetic of the presentation is quite nice. 

The video dives into Valhalla’s standout features and mechanics such as SettlementsRaidsCombatGearExploration, and Questing. We even get a nice snippet of Asgard. Yes, we get to cross the rainbow bridge and it looks glorious! 

I-like many others-had exhausted my interest in the AC franchise early on, but dipped my toes back in when I snagged Origins and Odyssey in a cheap bundle. Some have expressed their dismay at the direction those games have taken the IP in, but I for one am absolutely looking forward to what Ubisoft has cooked up with Valhalla.