The System

I’m going to make this brief, because most of what I can say will only echo what’s already being said. The systemic injustice that has plagued not only North America, but the world at large is on the verge of collapse. We as Human Beings have had enough of the Ruling Class’s iron grip on Society, the Economy, and our broken Political systems. Black. Latino. Asian. West Indian. Brazilian. Anyone with an ounce of melanin in their genetic makeup is considered ‘lesser’. We are the ‘enemy’.

I want to remind you that we are Strength. We are Beauty. We are Intelligence. We are Love. The Rothchilds and Bipartisan Political Elites that control the World Banks, that line each other’s pockets to ensure generational wealth for their ‘kind’ and have implemented systems that keep US under their heels are afraid of the Power we possess as a unified unit. George Floyd is but one of over a century’s worth of sacrifices they have made to fill their coffers.

Stand together. Continue the fight. Do NOT relent. We must force them to continue making institutional reform that serves the people, not their bank accounts. It started with them, it ends with us.

Below is a list of Organizations, Foundations, and links to pivotal information we can use to help one another right now: