The Fenyx Rises

Last Thursday, and seemingly out of nowhere, Ubisoft released a demo for their upcoming Open-World Adventure Epic, Immortals: Fenyx Rising on…Stadia. Yes. The demo is available exclusively through Google’s Stadia streaming platform until the 29th. Thankfully, you don’t need a pro membership and can still play the demo via a free account. So kudos for that.

I was already sold on Fenyx Rising after its Gameplay deep-dive last month, where we got to see a ton of combat, exploration, skill trees, and really get an overall sense of the game’s themes and aesthetic. Now, having played a fair amount of the demo, I can whole heartily say that my opinion has not changed, but rather been emboldened. I wouldn’t fault you for thinking that Immortals seems like something ripped right out of the mid-2000s playbook, because in all honesty, it really is.

See the source image

The cartoony character models mixed with exaggerated animations, brightly colored combat flourishes, and goofy dialogue all lends itself to classics like Beyond Good & Evil, Jak & Daxter, Maximo, and The Legend of Zelda. In fact, it’s very clear that Immortals has taken inspiration from Breath of the Wild. However, much like this year’s Genshin Impact , Immortals takes those inspirations and uses them to become its own game, and dare I say, improve on some of Breath of the Wild’s mechanics.

See the source image

For starters, traversal feels weighty, which I like. Every leap, every cliff face climbed, every object interacted with gives substantial feedback and makes the world feel tangible. Fenyx has access to wings that she can not only hover with, but can dash through the air and even use them for tricky maneuvers in combat. Fenyx can also call up her steed (which there will be multiple kinds of) at any time without having to remember where she parked it. Convenient indeed. You can definitely feel the Assassin’s Creed engine doing its thing behind the scenes as even the default controller mapping is the same as those games. Not a terrible thing, but it does feel odd to have RB as the basic attack button for this type of game.

Speaking of attacking, let’s get into combat. This is where Immortals definitely has a leg up on its predecessors. Whether targeting a specific enemy or opting for free movement, you can unleash combos and flashy attacks by hammering away at the attack button. Then you have your heavy attack which is a comically large axe for Fenyx’s size that can help deal with multiple enemies at a time and deal some extra damage. That’s all good and well until enemies with shields and moves that need to be dodge or parried come into the mix. Dodging an attack at the last second initiates a Bayonetta esque Witch Time that slows the world down for a few seconds so you can reposition yourself or get a few extra hits in. Parrying functions as you expect. Time it correctly and your opponent will be temporarily stunned and at your mercy.

See the source image

Now, where things start getting interesting is when you launch your enemies by holding the attack button (very similar to the original God of War trilogy’s combat mechanic), or using a skill such as Aries’ Rage which causes the ground around Fenyx to erupt with massive spears that cause good damage, can launch enemies, or even keep them airborne for longer. Fenyx can extend her combos mid-air much like in Devil May Cry and pull off some fancy maneuvers. Remember when I said she can use her wings in combat? Yep. Some enemies like Harpies and Griffins actually require you to master this technique in order to square off with them and have any degree of success.

It didn’t take long before I was dodging, parrying, launching enemies, zipping through the air, and following up with Fenyx’s massive Hammer slam. It all feels familiar, but no less entertaining for it. 

See the source image

Something I really appreciate is Immortal’s less than serious tone. Sure, the stakes are high (supposedly), but you can’t help but chuckle at some of the banter between Zeus and Prometheus whom narrate Fenyx’s adventure. There is a point in the demo that involves one such conversation and poor Fenyx can do nothing but shake her head in dismay at the nonsense that ends up involving murderous chickens ensuing. Fenyx herself also has an interesting bit of characterization; Not only in her dialogue, but also in the way she interacts with the world around her.

Opening chests result in any number of randomized animations from Fenyx drumming on the chest for good luck, kicking it open, to even mimicking a familiar, green tunic wearing hero’s actions. Speaking of; The demo also gives us a little taste of what to expect in the form of dungeon crawling and puzzle solving. No particular puzzle felt too difficult and usually involved some form of environmental interaction, but they didn’t feel arbitrary or annoying either. The islands that the game’s world is divided into all hold their fare share of secrets to unearth as well, with little space feeling empty or unused. I think I’ve gone into enough detail at this point. If you’re really interested, the demo is live until the 29th and, in my humble opinion, is well worth a look if you don’t mind letting your browser be hostage to Stadia for a little while. 

Genshin Remains Impactful (Gacha Update)

If you told me two weeks ago that Genshin Impact would become my new, favorite leisurely grind, I would’ve raised an eyebrow and go “Are you sure about that?”. Fast forward to the present and I’ve already sunk more time and effort into this Free to Play adventure than most $60 paid titles. Genshin also marks the first time I’ve EVER given a single dime to a Gacha based IP. Now, fully invested in the end-game grind, I have yet to feel any sort of burnout or that I have hit the expected paywall normally associated with F2P games.

I look forward to completing my daily Commissions, running weekly and daily objectives for the Battle Pass, and hunting down the last bits of Geoculus  I need to complete the damn ‘Nine Pillars’ World Quest. Now, we’re on the eve of another update that changes the Pools of characters and weapons we can pull from the Wishing system. The Epitome Invocation gives us the chance to snag new, devastating weapons such as Wolf’s Gravestone and the Sacrificial Greatsword. The real meat n’ potatoes here is the change in potential Heroes. Klee is the headlining star here. With her bombastic combat attributes and unique Talents that are designed to keep Klee at max power as often as possible.

The increased chance to pull Alchemist Sucrose is sure to please fans as she’s become something of a cult favorite. Xingqui and Noelle round out the list of possible improved pulls from the event banner (Don’t sleep on Noelle. She’s actually really good with a solid DPS+Tank build!). Whatever you may be gunning for, there’s something for everyone to look forward to here.

How have your adventures been going? Still grinding away daily? Saving up as many Primogems as you can?

PS5 Event Announced Ahead of Tokyo Game Show

Just when the silence was becoming palpable, Sony has finally thrown us a bone and announced earlier this morning via its official blog and Twitter that there will be an event held this Wednesday, 9/16/2020 at 1:00PM PDT. According to the blog post, the event will be focusing on “the latest titles from Worldwide Studios and our world-class development partners.” and a “look at some of the great games coming to PS5 at launch (and beyond!).”.

The omission of anything insinuating the announcement of pricing and release date is disappointing, but not altogether unexpected. Following the Xbox’s recent information blowout, Playstation fans have been chomping at the bit waiting for any kind of information. I for one, am looking forward to hopefully a handful of surprise announcements at the very least and maybe some more gameplay of previously announced titles.

No matter where your preferences lie, it’s an exciting time for gaming and we should all spend more time sharing that energy and excitement. See you on the 16th!

By the way…What do YOU hope to see at the show? Any particular IPs you want to make an appearance? Any particular game you want to see more of? Accessories? Sound off in the comments!

Your Move, Sony

 Microsoft and Sony have been engaged in what is irrefutably the longest game of chicken the gaming industry has ever seen. Neither side has been willing to play their hand and announce pricing and launch date(s) first. That is, until last night. Tech enthusiast Brad Sams fundamentally broke the internet by unveiling not only the physical design of the Xbox Series S, but its price point as well. Shortly after, Windows Central Gaming confirmed via Twitter not only the information for the Series S, the Series X as well!

Series S: $299.99

Series X: $499.99

Both launching November 10th, 2020. Continue reading “Your Move, Sony”

Achievements have influenced my enjoyment of Games

There is a long history of developers putting unlockables and secrets in their games to reward the most dedicated and duteous players for their efforts. Everything from finding the Minus World in Super Mario Bros., unearthing the Konami Code, to snagging the best piece of gear in your favorite RPG. Being rewarded for our skills and determination have long been an exemplary way to keep us engaged in the gameplay loop and asking for more. When Microsoft kicked off the 7th Generation of consoles with the Xbox 360, they also introduced us to an innocuous feature called achievements. Little did they know just how influential this system of micro-rewards would become. Continue reading “Achievements have influenced my enjoyment of Games”

The Road to the Next Generation: Series X vs PS5

Last year at the Video Game Awards, Microsoft dropped a megaton on viewers mid-show and revealed their newest entry into the console market: The Xbox Series X. Since then, head of Xbox Division, Phil Spencer, Marketing Manager Aaron Greenberg, and the entire Xbox team have been dolling out chunks of information not only about the new hardware, but about their vision for Xbox Game Studios, the robust services the platform offers, new games, studio acquisitions, and how it all ties together in the Xbox Ecosystem. Where does that leave Sony and the Playstation 5, though? Continue reading “The Road to the Next Generation: Series X vs PS5”

The Last of Us II: It all Ends Here

Today Sony presented a State of Play featuring the almost too big for its britches, The Last of Us II. Creative director and lead for TLOU2, Neil Druckmann gave the world a tour de force of some of the sequel’s story beats, gameplay additions and improvements, as well as some hints of what’s to come once we have the game in our hands. The presentation was capped with a lengthy bit of never before seen gameplay that highlighted much of the game’s newest combat and stealth mechanics. So what is the verdict? Despite the crazy PR surrounding Naughty Dog, Druckmann, and the game itself, does it still seem poised to deliver the goods on June 16th? Continue reading “The Last of Us II: It all Ends Here”

Prepare to Reminisce

Today, From Software celebrates over 27 million units sold of its overwhelmingly popular Souls franchise. My first exposure to what would eventually become the omnipresent Souls Series was a single, unassuming article in Game Informer magazine dated September 29, 2009 (whew!). The concept was most intriguing; A dark fantasy action-RPG hybrid that challenged players and punished them for their mistakes. However, Death was not the traditional end all to progression. It was a pivotal part of the gameplay loop. I wanted to get my hands on the game as soon as possible. Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait very long. Continue reading “Prepare to Reminisce”

Loba Lands in Apex

Tomorrow, in fact! Moments ago, the main Apex Twitter Account tweeted out the official launch trailer for their newest character, Loba. The Outland’s greatest thief ushers in the 5th Season of the game’s long running tenure, Fortune’s Favor. Sporting an aesthetic that makes her quite the bit of eye-candy, Loba actually brings a slue of unique skills and abilities with her striking good looks.  Continue reading “Loba Lands in Apex”