Quality Quarantine Gaming

With the globe suddenly being thrust into a position the likes of which we’ve not seen on this scale since the Spanish Flu, it’s no surprise that many have turned to digital media to cope and ease the strain of a quarantined and socially distant way of living. Gaming has already solidified itself as a favorite and steadily growing pastime that has seen exponential uptimes due to our current situation. I say; If it brings you joy during this harrowing time, then by all means, indulge yourself. However, I also say; Please try to be safe and healthy while doing so. Here are just a few tips you may or may not have heard/read before that can enrich your gaming experience and overall well-being.

Get Up and Stretch

I cannot stress how beneficial the simple act of getting up, walking around and stretching for a few minutes can be when performed regularly throughout the day. Getting up every 20-30 minutes or so and stretching increases blood flow to your muscles, improves posture, can prevent back pain, calms your mind (perfect after an intense multiplayer match), and even decreases tension headaches. Check this guide for simple stretching ideas: https://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/fitness_articles.asp?id=1261

Stay Hydrated

Another simple concept, but one that is no less beneficial. Up to 64 oz or 8 glasses of water a day is recommended. However, paying attention to when your body is signaling for hydration is very important. You can most definitely have too much of a good thing! Our bodies are made of up to 75% water and utilize the H2O for just about every function. It helps regulate our internal temperature, lubricates joints, flushes waste and toxins from our system, carries oxygen and nutrients to cells, and is great for your skin!

Snack Healthily

Just as maintaining hydration is important, so too is keeping tabs on your nutrition. It’s tempting to want to keep staple snack foods like chips, cookies, candies, microwaved goods on hand while grinding for loot. However, many easy snacks tend to be high in sodium, sugars, additives, and preservatives that impact your body more negatively than you think. Granola bars, fresh fruit, hard-boiled eggs, mixed nuts, hummus and pita bread, dark chocolate, and even frozen grapes make great alternatives!

Take a Break

We’ve heard it a million times. “You’re still playing?!” Damn right. This raid boss isn’t going to destroy itself. As intoxicating as the ‘one more’ phenomenon can be, it is absolutely crucial to pull oneself away from a game for a short period of time in between extended sessions. This works in tandem with the previous tips of stretching and snacking too! It’s suggested to take a break at least once every 40 minutes to an hour. This also lets your eyes rest and reduces the strain being put on them.


Practicing good hygiene should extend well beyond the realm of gaming and be a major staple of one’s everyday life. With the majority of us spending an exorbitant amount of time indoors these days it can be easy to fall into a more lax approach to self-hygiene. I mean, who’s going to care, right? Well, you should. Grooming and taking care of yourself not only helps keep you and your environment cleaner, it also boosts your mental health as well. You may not notice it most of the time, but when you feel clean your mood is much more positive than when stewing in your own funk! Also, keeping up with your normal hygienic routine in quarantine will make it much easier to transition back to normalcy (whenever that happens!).

Play Games you Enjoy

This last tip comes from a very personal place. One cultivated via years of gaming. When your external environment is potentially causing you anxiety and stress, the worst thing you can do is engage in an activity that agitates you. If a particular game is causing you to experience fits of anger or tension, it’s best to give it a rest, clear your head, and come back to it later. Even switching to a more relaxed game can mean the difference between an outburst or positive experience. Had a few rough matches in CS:GO? Maybe lost a bet in NBA2K? Then switch It up or switch it off for a few minutes before jumping back in.

There are many things to consider that impact not only our day-to-day lifestyles, but potentially our future as we move forward in these turbulent times. Gaming is just one of the many positive ways in which we can cope that is easy to get carried away with if we’re not careful. Remember the golden rule; ‘Everything in moderation.’.

Have any tips or suggestions of your own? Feel free to sound off in the comments and share with the rest of us!