Loba Lands in Apex

Tomorrow, in fact! Moments ago, the main Apex Twitter Account tweeted out the official launch trailer for their newest character, Loba. The Outland’s greatest thief ushers in the 5th Season of the game’s long running tenure, Fortune’s Favor. Sporting an aesthetic that makes her quite the bit of eye-candy, Loba actually brings a slue of unique skills and abilities with her striking good looks. 

Keeping in line with the whole thief motif, Loba’s Tactical Ability: Burglar’s Best Friend, allows her to toss her ‘Jump Drive Bracelet’ and teleport to its exact location. The immediate implications of such a skill are already making many players salivate with anticipation. Flanking opponent’s while working in tandem with your teammates can make for some big plays, or even allow for quick retrieval of out of the way resources.  

Next up is her Passive, Eye for Quality. This ability allows Loba to see Epic AND Legendary loot through walls up to a predetermined distance (which is the same distance as her Ultimate). Again, the surface implications are immediate. Looting efficiency is crucial in any Battle Royale, so being able to quickly scan nearby structures for potential goodies without having to slow down or even expose your position is quite the boon.

Lastly, we have her Ultimate: Black Market Boutique. This Ult. is quite nutty if you ask me, as it allows Loba to drop a device that pulls up a list of ALL nearby loot that can then be dispersed between Allies (and even enemies if you’re not careful). Up to two items can be acquired per player. I foresee this Ultimate being the new ‘Care Package‘, Lifeline’s Ult. which summons a drop pod of randomized Epic and/or Legendary loot.  

Whether you’re an Apex Legends fan or not, it’s impressive how successful the IP continues to be despite some fan outcries and speed bumps in past updates. Both Season 5 and Loba will be available tomorrow for all intrepid Legends.