Getting Back on Track

As multiple countries begin to flatten their infection curve and slowly return to a bit of normalcy, we will continue to see more and more businesses opening their doors to welcome eager patrons. Of particular note is Disney’s Shanghai theme park which has officially reopened its doors today. Senior VP of Park Operations, Andrew Bolstein had taken journalists on a tour to detail and explain just how the park would operate under its new Health and Safety guidelines.

To coincide with the tour, a video was also released that provided instructions to park goers on how to book and use a “Health QR Code“, which would be required for park entry as well as other activities. When asked about the possibility of opening more parks, Disney CEO CEO Bob Chapek was optimistic, but reluctant to make any specific remarks,  stating: 

“While it’s too early to predict when we’ll be able to begin resuming all of our operations, we are evaluating a number of different scenarios to ensure a cautious sensible and deliberate approach to the eventual reopening of our parks.”

While it’s encouraging to see the world slowly making strides to ‘recover’, we must still be vigilant and grounded in the realm of reality.  As of this writing, the online Covid-19 Tracker has the United Stated sitting at 4,132,365 total cases, up by 11,712 according to its most recent up date. The UK follows suit with 4,097,158 total cases. It falls on governors, officials, and most importantly ‘We the People’ to flatten the curve and get this train back on the track. On a positive note, the number of recovered cases has hit 1,422,745 and continues to climb.

As more  and more businesses do their part to reinvigorate the economy, it behooves us as consumers and citizens to do the same. The sooner we flatten the curve, the sooner you can go to the gym, get your nails, done, freely walk into your Starbucks, and indulge in all the niceties you feel stripped of with some semblance of safety and comfort.