Don’t Pass on GamePass

Over the span of 7 years, the Xbox brand has been transformed into an entity almost unrecognizable from its 2013 self. The massive undertaking of accruing lost MindShare and rejuvenating the gaming division was not a simple task, but was one that Phil Spencer and the wholly dedicated team at Microsoft’s Xbox division were more than up to. 

The official GamePass account on Twitter announced today that the titular Baseball franchise, MLB: The Show would be launching Day and Date on GamePass for the Xbox. This includes both the Xbox One and Series X version of the game. Coming off the excitement of recently launched Outriders being in GamePass as well, we have a very important precedent that is being set not only for the service, but the Xbox Ecosystem as a whole. 


Xbox has been cementing itself as ‘the’ place to play for console play-no-for gamers in general, at an incredibly staggering rate. Cross-platform saves for games available on PC and console, heavy support for Cross-play, an impressive Backwards Compatible structure that sees 4 generations of games given new life, legacy support for existing accessories, and a very solid mobile gaming solution are just some of the highlights one will experience being in the Xbox ecosystem. However, there is one very important piece that completes the puzzle. That piece is GamePass.

Being available on PC, Console, and Mobile means that you are able to access a huge library of games, old and new, virtually anywhere and in anyway that is most preferable to you. For less than the cost of a Premium Netflix subscription (Currently $17.99, whereas GP Ultimate is $14.99.) you have unlimited access to every game available in the service, can collect Perks and Rewards for other services and games, and will receive discounts on games and add-ons among other things. 

This isn’t even mentioning the acquisition of Bethesda and Zenimax that has now put hit titles like Doom: Eternal, the Wolfenstein series, and even underappreciated gems like Prey back into the service with the benefit of the Series X|S’s FPS boost and performance enhancements. I know this all reads like some kind of ad for GamePass, and maybe it ultimately is, but that’s because the service and what Microsoft is doing with it is just that good.

Seeing what GP has become from its ‘very’ humble beginnings of only a handful of games and a mission is remarkable. What’s more is that there’s no reason to be concerned with whether the platform is sustainable and beneficial for developers since time and time again, studios have come forth and praised the service. Case in point: If video games are the entertainment equivalent of your favorite foods, then GamePass is the buffet made up of all your favorite dishes plus a bevvy of treats that may have never thought to try before. Don’t just take my word for it. Try it out for a month. Go in with no expectations, start playing games, and see what happens.