Collecting Physical Media Vs Digital

The topic has been a form of contention for quite some now. Even more so as the generation continues to push towards a more digitized landscape with every passing year. The question will always come about “Do you prefer physical or digital?”, and most often you will get a straight answer from most people. Why would someone choose one over the other though? Does it go beyond mere preference? Perhaps.

The short answer for those that are Pro Digital is the boon of convenience. It’s simply more efficient to store hundreds of your favorite movies, music, games, etc. on hard drives that allow you to access them quickly and at a moment’s notice. It can be difficult to argue otherwise, and objectively speaking, it all makes for a compelling argument. However, there is one very integral element that is lost. Something that collector’s of the physical will always tout as the defacto reasoning for their choice. That something is the sense of ownership

Collecting is about more than just the sum of one’s possessions. The act of amassing a full series of trading cards, vinyls for a particular artist, manga, etc. can have a cathartic release on a person. In an article written by Mark B. McKinley, Ed.D. , he states “-collector motivations include psychological security, filling a void in a sense of self. Or it could be to claim a means to distinction, much as uniforms make the ‘man.’ “.

He also goes on to say that “For some, the satisfaction comes from experimenting with arranging, re-arranging, and classifying parts of a-big-world-out-there, which can serve as a means of control to elicit a comfort zone in one’s life, e.g., calming fears, erasing insecurity.”.

So, you can see that there are a number of reasons why someone would go the extra mile to fill that last bit of shelf space for their Gundam collection. That also brings me to another important factor in the fight ‘for’ digital media; space. Collecting can not only be expensive financially, but also storage wise. One full bin turns into three, then six, then nine, and suddenly your living space is dominated by full shelves, glass cases, and stuffed closets. 

It’s for this reason I tend to advise people serious about collecting anything, to only do so if they:

  • Do not plan on moving for a very long time/at all
  • Do not have any serious outstanding debt
  • Have discussed collecting with their significant other or family members if they do not live alone
  • Can control the desire to impulse buy

Digital media virtually erases any need to be concerned for space beyond the size of your HDD(s) and provides immediate access to the media without the need for swapping between specific hardware. Again, convenience is the M.O. in digital media’s favor. 

I personally fall somewhere between both sides, wherein I understand and embrace the positives of digital media, but still find great enjoyment in glancing over to my collection of Blu-Rays, Books, Art, and video game related paraphernalia. There is a distinct feeling one receives when flipping carefully through the pages of a favorite series of literature, or watching the boot screen of an old game being played in its original format. 

Whichever side you feel is a best fit for you, always remember that there is no real wrong or right answer for individuality. If it brings you joy, then by all means, embrace it and make it your own. Just do me a favor and be rational about it! 

What do you like to collect? Is there a particular collection you’re super proud of? Also, if money was no longer a factor, is there a specific collection you would like to start/complete right now?

If you’re looking to beef up your Kindle collection, you can save up to 55% on an assortment of books by following the Link below and using Promo Code: 55QL9IA9