Your Move, Sony

 Microsoft and Sony have been engaged in what is irrefutably the longest game of chicken the gaming industry has ever seen. Neither side has been willing to play their hand and announce pricing and launch date(s) first. That is, until last night. Tech enthusiast Brad Sams fundamentally broke the internet by unveiling not only the physical design of the Xbox Series S, but its price point as well. Shortly after, Windows Central Gaming confirmed via Twitter not only the information for the Series S, the Series X as well!

Series S: $299.99

Series X: $499.99

Both launching November 10th, 2020. Continue reading “Your Move, Sony”

T’was the Night before Xbox-mas

Let’s cut to the chase. Tomorrow is going to be a pivotal moment in gaming history for MS and the Xbox brand. Ever since Don Mattrick’s damning presentation, Resolution Gate, and innumerable UI updates, it has been an uphill battle for Phil Spencer and the team to lift Xbox from the mud and back on its feet. Thanks to their tenacity, they’ve done exactly that. The Xbox ecosystem is, without question, the most pro-consumer and best value dollar for dollar in gaming right now. There’s just one very important piece of the puzzle missing; Original, High quality, Game of the Year contender IPs. Tomorrow-July 23rd-We get to see if all the studio acquisitions (a whopping 15 so far), the consumer focused marketing and infrastructure changes, a focus on delivering the most powerful console platform to game on, and the wholly successful GamePass + xCloud service(s) can help deliver just that. Continue reading “T’was the Night before Xbox-mas”

Achievements have influenced my enjoyment of Games

There is a long history of developers putting unlockables and secrets in their games to reward the most dedicated and duteous players for their efforts. Everything from finding the Minus World in Super Mario Bros., unearthing the Konami Code, to snagging the best piece of gear in your favorite RPG. Being rewarded for our skills and determination have long been an exemplary way to keep us engaged in the gameplay loop and asking for more. When Microsoft kicked off the 7th Generation of consoles with the Xbox 360, they also introduced us to an innocuous feature called achievements. Little did they know just how influential this system of micro-rewards would become. Continue reading “Achievements have influenced my enjoyment of Games”

XBOX: The Redemption Arc

The year 2013 ushered in the Eight Generation of consoles, and with it came a wave of excitement, but also controversy. As then Head of Xbox Division, Don Mattrick took to the stage, fans and shareholders listened with baited breath for all the details regarding the titular Xbox 360’s successor. Palpable excitement quickly turned to confusion and dismay as we watched a presentation that spoke of a DRM enforced ecosystem, an always on-packed in peripheral, an unsettling focus on cable TV, no sharing of physical discs, and very little to do with pure gaming. The show was not completely lost however, as the launch lineup reveal of the excellent Killer Instinct reboot, Crytek’s Ryse: Son of Rome, Forza Motorsport 5, and Dead Rising 3 softened the blow of the polarizing reveal.

Continue reading “XBOX: The Redemption Arc”