Adventure Awaits

First announced back in 2019, studio miHoYo’s Genshin Impact has finally arrived for iOS, Android, PC, and the PS4. While a Switch version has been confirmed, a specific date is yet to be set. The game features vibrant, detailed visuals, an open world to explore, fast and stylish combat, and a wealth of quests to complete along side what is to be a grand and engrossing narrative. Oh, and it’s also Free-to-Play. If your first impression is “Hey…This reminds of Breath of the Wild…” trust me, you’re not alone. The aesthetic is strikingly similar, but that’s where the similarities end.

Genshin Impact is a much faster and over the top experience with flourishes, big special attacks, a wide variety of enemy designs, and multiple unique characters to take into combat. I’d be hard pressed to believe that many people won’t actually enjoy this more than BOTW (myself unabashedly included). Either way, it’s F2P and is absolutely worth trying out.

Available on: iOS, Android, PC, and PS4

Talk to us, Sony

It seems that all the juicy gaming news is breaking over night these days. Coming in the evening hours yesterday, Bloomberg’s Chinese division’s original report stated that due to an unsteady production yield (a concerning 50%) of the console’s custom-designed system-on-chip, Sony has decreased its projected hardware allocation units to 11 million worldwide for the first fiscal quarter. 

Supposedly yields are gradually improving, but are still facing problems reaching satisfactory levels of stability. So, what does this potentially mean for Sony and the Playstation 5? A few things. 

  •  Hardware will be scarce and difficult for the average consumer to secure come launch day. This was already suspected after Sony’s imposed e-mail pre-order lottery, but coupled with production issues and hardware stability, it could spell sad times for a lot of fans.
  • We know the PS5 was initially developed and intended to launch in 2019, but was then reworked and clocked up once data on the Series X was finally available. This means that the PS5, for all intents and purposes, is a patchwork of software and hardware solutions hurriedly fit together so as not to fall behind the competition. 
  • They will be as aggressive as they financially can with their pricing to match Microsoft, but undercutting them is just no feasible at this point.
  • In a very worst case scenario we might get a delay roughly a few weeks after this weeks Playstation Event and the Tokyo Game Show.

Now, should we be playing a Requiem for the Playstation division and wallowing in all the Doom and Gloom? Not in the least. My personal take is that Sony is going to push forward with tomorrow’s event where we will get a date and pricing (I’m going to sit on $500 for the Standard Edition and $450-$400 for All Digital at best) and we’re going to get a launch date that will fall at least a week or so after the Series X and S. The week of Black Friday sounds about right.  

What IS concerning to me is the biggest question; What exactly are we playing on day one? Right now we have Godfall (which can only be pre-ordered on the Epic Game store for now), Spiderman: Miles Morales (no official date, but still slated for Holiday 2020), Bugsnax (Holiday 2020 again), Astro Boy’s Playroom (The only one I can confirm at launch at this time), and a serving of 3rd party games you can view here. There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding the PS5’s launch, and if there is more trouble brewing beneath the surface than we are aware of, I’d much prefer for Sony to delay and focus on ironing out all the kinks while building their allocated units in the process.

All told, we should get most of our answers during tomorrow’s presentation. Fingers crossed, people! 

PS5 Event Announced Ahead of Tokyo Game Show

Just when the silence was becoming palpable, Sony has finally thrown us a bone and announced earlier this morning via its official blog and Twitter that there will be an event held this Wednesday, 9/16/2020 at 1:00PM PDT. According to the blog post, the event will be focusing on “the latest titles from Worldwide Studios and our world-class development partners.” and a “look at some of the great games coming to PS5 at launch (and beyond!).”.

The omission of anything insinuating the announcement of pricing and release date is disappointing, but not altogether unexpected. Following the Xbox’s recent information blowout, Playstation fans have been chomping at the bit waiting for any kind of information. I for one, am looking forward to hopefully a handful of surprise announcements at the very least and maybe some more gameplay of previously announced titles.

No matter where your preferences lie, it’s an exciting time for gaming and we should all spend more time sharing that energy and excitement. See you on the 16th!

By the way…What do YOU hope to see at the show? Any particular IPs you want to make an appearance? Any particular game you want to see more of? Accessories? Sound off in the comments!

What’s Going on at Team Blue’s Home Base?

In what can only be described as one of the most random and iconic gaming moments of 2020, the public was leaked not only confirmation of the Xbox Series S, but also it’s price, release date, and full spec sheet in the middle of the night last Tuesday. Microsoft’s PR team gracefully dove into action and not only met the leak head on by confirming it hours later with their own official announcement, but they did so while meme’ing and having fun with the whole situation. Literally over night we were given the full breakdown of the Series S and Series X’s pricing and release dates. Not only this, but developers began springing forth with confirmation of games releasing with the consoles on launch day, as well performance specs. Most notably being Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla confirmed to be running at 4K 60fps.

Social and Gaming Media were absolutely abuzz for the past 48 hours, and the fire is showing no signs of being put out. So, what does that mean for Sony? Surely they would seize the opportunity to leverage all the excitement and make their own announcement. Surely they would want to capitalize on the fact that all eyes would subsequently on them, especially on the day of the PSX’s anniversary, right? So far, the answer has been a disappointingly loud NO.

Not only has there been no response, reveal, or announcement of any kind during the height of the buzz, but it has recently come out that the PS5 was potentially going to be more expensive than the Series X. The sudden reveal of Microsoft’s hardware seems to have pushed Sony back to the drawing board to reevaluate their pricing and marketing strategy so that they can find something to One Up Microsoft with. The PS5 being the more expensive console was always within the realm of possibilities. Sony’s Bill of Materials was outed to be as high as $470 USD, meaning that if they were to try undercutting Microsoft anywhere below $500, they would stand to lose substantially more per console sold.


Now, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that regardless of what happens between now and launch day, the PS5 will sell and sell well. The Playstation has an immense amount of Mindshare built up from the PS4’s wholly successful run and their marketing team is diabolically talented at roping in the average consumer with their messaging. However, I can’t help but feel that this particular moment in time has been one huge missed opportunity for Team Blue, and has put them under further scrutiny by their fan base and shareholders. Remember, there is still plenty we don’t know about the PS5’s functionality, pricing, release date, capabilities, and exactly when 1st party games will be available.

Insomniac’s Spiderman: Miles Morales is slated to be a launch game,  but as of right now, the official date still says Holiday 2020. Ratchet and Clank:  a Rift Apart is set in the PS5’s launch window; Same as Horizon: Journey to the West. After having multiple successful presentations that got consumers excited and eager to know when they can get their shiny new PS5s, it seems as though Sony is inadvertently trying to quell expectations. First we have their limited pre-order system that was presented not too long ago. The parameters for being selected give the the pre-order process an air of being in the Cool Kid’s Club, when in reality it only creates confusion for the average consumer. 

Follow this up with Sony’s peculiar silence after their last presentation and you have a fair bit of people scratching their heads. Sure, Sony doesn’t really have to meet Microsoft head on in this scenario. They are still the most popular of the two brands after all. What’s concerning is that with the very real implications of the Global Pandemic affecting production and marketing, one has to wonder if Sony will actually be able to make it to market for a Holiday 2020 release. While they have increased their initial production allocation from 5-6 million up to 10, we still have no confirmation of what the retail unit truly looks like and whether they’ve even begun full production. Their absence from the recent Hot Chips Symposium   has also raised a few eyebrows. Where the Series X has been stripped down to the very last CU, the PS5’s overall internal composition is still far from having substantial and concrete data available beyond Mark Cerny’s presentation earlier in the year. 

If it sounds like I’m lighting the Signal Fires and raising the alarm…Well, I think I am. Again, the PS5 selling well is not in question. It’s Sony’s seemingly lackadaisical demeanor and response to the demand for info on their product. I plan to purchase a PS5 for myself whenever Blue Point Studio’s Demon’s Souls: Remake is released, but prior to that…Well Sony is doing a pretty swell job on not reaffirming that purchase. 

As of this writing, news has surfaced that Sony has plans to make some kind of announcement today that was indeed planned for yesterday’s anniversary, but moved for obvious reasons. There is also an event scheduled for the 14th, so hopefully all the concerns raised above will be addressed. Fingers crossed, everyone. 

Your Move, Sony

 Microsoft and Sony have been engaged in what is irrefutably the longest game of chicken the gaming industry has ever seen. Neither side has been willing to play their hand and announce pricing and launch date(s) first. That is, until last night. Tech enthusiast Brad Sams fundamentally broke the internet by unveiling not only the physical design of the Xbox Series S, but its price point as well. Shortly after, Windows Central Gaming confirmed via Twitter not only the information for the Series S, the Series X as well!

Series S: $299.99

Series X: $499.99

Both launching November 10th, 2020. Continue reading “Your Move, Sony”

PS5 Reveal: We finally know what it looks like

I’m going to make this brief and straight to the point. Today’s Playstation 5 Reveal event was a very important moment for Sony. News and information regarding the successor to the titular PS4 has been scant almost since its announcement. Fans have been starved for something, anything remotely pertaining to what the system and games would look like and when we can expect them. Today, we got a glimpse into the Future of Gaming. Continue reading “PS5 Reveal: We finally know what it looks like”

Achievements have influenced my enjoyment of Games

There is a long history of developers putting unlockables and secrets in their games to reward the most dedicated and duteous players for their efforts. Everything from finding the Minus World in Super Mario Bros., unearthing the Konami Code, to snagging the best piece of gear in your favorite RPG. Being rewarded for our skills and determination have long been an exemplary way to keep us engaged in the gameplay loop and asking for more. When Microsoft kicked off the 7th Generation of consoles with the Xbox 360, they also introduced us to an innocuous feature called achievements. Little did they know just how influential this system of micro-rewards would become. Continue reading “Achievements have influenced my enjoyment of Games”

Quality Quarantine Gaming

With the globe suddenly being thrust into a position the likes of which we’ve not seen on this scale since the Spanish Flu, it’s no surprise that many have turned to digital media to cope and ease the strain of a quarantined and socially distant way of living. Gaming has already solidified itself as a favorite and steadily growing pastime that has seen exponential uptimes due to our current situation. I say; If it brings you joy during this harrowing time, then by all means, indulge yourself. However, I also say; Please try to be safe and healthy while doing so. Here are just a few tips you may or may not have heard/read before that can enrich your gaming experience and overall well-being.

Continue reading “Quality Quarantine Gaming”