
I’ll tell you right now; I love coffee. No, not that sugar infused, drowned in milk, and topped with whip cream mess most people associate it with. There are few things more pleasing in the morning or during an afternoon siesta than a freshly brewed cup of roasted beans. Sure, I like a bit of creamer here and there, but never enough to drown out the actual flavor of the coffee; more so to compliment it. Now, if you like your sugary drink piled high that’s perfectly fine, it’s your taster’s choice (Har-har), but why do people like to demonize coffee as some ritualistic, addictive concoction that becomes some glorified obstacle to overcome? Continue reading “Coffee”

Quality Quarantine Gaming

With the globe suddenly being thrust into a position the likes of which we’ve not seen on this scale since the Spanish Flu, it’s no surprise that many have turned to digital media to cope and ease the strain of a quarantined and socially distant way of living. Gaming has already solidified itself as a favorite and steadily growing pastime that has seen exponential uptimes due to our current situation. I say; If it brings you joy during this harrowing time, then by all means, indulge yourself. However, I also say; Please try to be safe and healthy while doing so. Here are just a few tips you may or may not have heard/read before that can enrich your gaming experience and overall well-being.

Continue reading “Quality Quarantine Gaming”