Bring a Towel

Scorn has been in development for many years now. It usually pops up via a short gameplay snippet, media blurb, or mention on social media then sinks back into the shadows where development continues. Today, YouTube channel GameClips has provided us with a disturbingly satisfying 7-Minute reel of gameplay and sweeping vistas to wet our palate before launch.

If you haven’t heard of it before, Scorn is an H.R. Giger Inspired First Person Horror title coming exclusively to the Xbox Series consoles and PC. The obsessive attention to detail in the world and its inhabitants is unnerving and at once, captivating. The droning and foreboding music only lends to the chill inducing atmosphere. Everything twitches, slithers, skitters, and breathes with unsettling life; constantly making you question what may be friend or foe, if such concepts even exist in this twisted world.

Check out the full video below. Scorn doesn’t have a set release day yet, but is scheduled to launch in early 2021.