Xbox 20/20 Digital Tour Begins

Ever since the unveiling of the Series X, Microsoft has been driving home their mantra of more confident, bold, and transparent business. Today, they kicked off their self titled ‘Xbox 20/20’ tour via ‘Inside Xbox’, which is a series of digital events that will be held every month leading up to the launch of the Series X. Microsoft made it very clear that this presentation in particular would be focusing on 3rd party titles and developers. For a little over 30 minutes were treated to a nonstop barrage of exactly that; World Premieres, gameplay footage, and more.

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Quality Quarantine Gaming

With the globe suddenly being thrust into a position the likes of which we’ve not seen on this scale since the Spanish Flu, it’s no surprise that many have turned to digital media to cope and ease the strain of a quarantined and socially distant way of living. Gaming has already solidified itself as a favorite and steadily growing pastime that has seen exponential uptimes due to our current situation. I say; If it brings you joy during this harrowing time, then by all means, indulge yourself. However, I also say; Please try to be safe and healthy while doing so. Here are just a few tips you may or may not have heard/read before that can enrich your gaming experience and overall well-being.

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XBOX: The Redemption Arc

The year 2013 ushered in the Eight Generation of consoles, and with it came a wave of excitement, but also controversy. As then Head of Xbox Division, Don Mattrick took to the stage, fans and shareholders listened with baited breath for all the details regarding the titular Xbox 360’s successor. Palpable excitement quickly turned to confusion and dismay as we watched a presentation that spoke of a DRM enforced ecosystem, an always on-packed in peripheral, an unsettling focus on cable TV, no sharing of physical discs, and very little to do with pure gaming. The show was not completely lost however, as the launch lineup reveal of the excellent Killer Instinct reboot, Crytek’s Ryse: Son of Rome, Forza Motorsport 5, and Dead Rising 3 softened the blow of the polarizing reveal.

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