T’was the Night before Xbox-mas

Let’s cut to the chase. Tomorrow is going to be a pivotal moment in gaming history for MS and the Xbox brand. Ever since Don Mattrick’s damning presentation, Resolution Gate, and innumerable UI updates, it has been an uphill battle for Phil Spencer and the team to lift Xbox from the mud and back on its feet. Thanks to their tenacity, they’ve done exactly that. The Xbox ecosystem is, without question, the most pro-consumer and best value dollar for dollar in gaming right now. There’s just one very important piece of the puzzle missing; Original, High quality, Game of the Year contender IPs. Tomorrow-July 23rd-We get to see if all the studio acquisitions (a whopping 15 so far), the consumer focused marketing and infrastructure changes, a focus on delivering the most powerful console platform to game on, and the wholly successful GamePass + xCloud service(s) can help deliver just that. Continue reading “T’was the Night before Xbox-mas”

Lenovo’s New Gaming Phone has a Neat Trick

As per a listing on the Chinese website JD.com, Lenovo is set to release its newest smartphone dubbed, Legion. Centered on its side is a 20 megapixel camera that pops out on command in a very secret agent esque manner. It doesn’t necessarily seem like a feature many people have been clamoring for, but perhaps it could make for some interesting live streams while gaming on the go.

It takes approximately 0.496 seconds for the camera to pop, and about 0.5 seconds to retract. Pretty speedy. Lenovo also wants to temper concerns over general use wear and tear by confirming that it will have, at the very least, a lifespan of over 400,000 activations. You know, just in case your little niece or nephew get a hold of it and go crazy with the function.

Credit: JD.com

Now, the cute little camera is a neat trick, but what do the specs look like? Well, the Legion is actually a bit of a beast on its own. Sporting a 6.67-inch AMOLED display with a 144 Hz refresh rate, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 865+ processor with 6GB of RAM, 128GB of storage and 90 watt fast charging, the Legion is out to flex a little in Mobile Gaming market. You also get a 64-megapixel main and 16-megapixel wide-angle cameras, along with dual front speakers, and RGB lighting.

The Legion is set to release July 22nd to the tune of about $670.00 after conversions. Release in North America and Europe have yet to be confirmed, but is quite likely.

Samsung’s 8TB SSD Hits the Ground Running

You can never have too much storage space. Ask anyone marginally interested in tech or with a media based hobby. Storage space is a vital component of productivity. I personally have a nice little collection of external and internal HDDs and SSDs that have amassed over the years.  Samsung has recently launched its 870 QVO line of SSDs that come in 1, 2, 4, and 8TB flavors, with the latter being the main draw for consumers. So, aside from a sizable chunk of storage space, what else does this drive really offer? Continue reading “Samsung’s 8TB SSD Hits the Ground Running”

Ninjala Might be Nintendo’s next Big Multiplayer Hit

There’s an irony behind how popular multiplayer games are on Nintendo’s platforms despite the highly questionable quality of their online networking solutions. I just chalk it up to the ol’ Nintendo charm. Ninjala is another multiplayer focused offering coming from GungHo Online Entertainment that seems poised to carry on this tradition. You may know some of their works such as TEPPENLet it DiePuzzle & Dragons, and Ragnarok Odyssey Continue reading “Ninjala Might be Nintendo’s next Big Multiplayer Hit”

Jeff Bezos’ Testimony Might be the Tip of the Spear

It has been confirmed that Jeff Bezos is willing to testify before Congress about Amazon’s competitive practices. According to a letter obtained by The New York Times and numerous publicationsa lawyer for Amazon told the House Judiciary Committee that he’ll be available to take part in the panel’s antitrust investigation into Big Tech. The hearing, which is slated to start in July, is likely to involve the CEOs of Apple, Alphabet, Facebook and Amazon. Continue reading “Jeff Bezos’ Testimony Might be the Tip of the Spear”

PS5 Reveal: We finally know what it looks like

I’m going to make this brief and straight to the point. Today’s Playstation 5 Reveal event was a very important moment for Sony. News and information regarding the successor to the titular PS4 has been scant almost since its announcement. Fans have been starved for something, anything remotely pertaining to what the system and games would look like and when we can expect them. Today, we got a glimpse into the Future of Gaming. Continue reading “PS5 Reveal: We finally know what it looks like”

Achievements have influenced my enjoyment of Games

There is a long history of developers putting unlockables and secrets in their games to reward the most dedicated and duteous players for their efforts. Everything from finding the Minus World in Super Mario Bros., unearthing the Konami Code, to snagging the best piece of gear in your favorite RPG. Being rewarded for our skills and determination have long been an exemplary way to keep us engaged in the gameplay loop and asking for more. When Microsoft kicked off the 7th Generation of consoles with the Xbox 360, they also introduced us to an innocuous feature called achievements. Little did they know just how influential this system of micro-rewards would become. Continue reading “Achievements have influenced my enjoyment of Games”

Is Virtual Reality finally gaining the foothold it so desperately wants/needs?

Virtual Reality has long been the End All of multimedia interactivity; The culmination of software and hardware technology that would make the user feel like they are really experiencing a movie or game.  In fact, VR has been sought and studied as early as the 1950s. In 1957,  Filmmaker Morton Heilig invented the Senosrama. The device was intended to enhance the enjoyment of moviegoers by allowing them to experience various sensations that included, but were not limited to smell, vibrations, and atmospheric events like wind. The concept was novel and forward thinking, but costly and not very economic. Fast forwarding 70 years later, how far have we actually progressed within the medium?
  Continue reading “Is Virtual Reality finally gaining the foothold it so desperately wants/needs?”

The System

I’m going to make this brief, because most of what I can say will only echo what’s already being said. The systemic injustice that has plagued not only North America, but the world at large is on the verge of collapse. We as Human Beings have had enough of the Ruling Class’s iron grip on Society, the Economy, and our broken Political systems. Black. Latino. Asian. West Indian. Brazilian. Anyone with an ounce of melanin in their genetic makeup is considered ‘lesser’. We are the ‘enemy’.

I want to remind you that we are Strength. We are Beauty. We are Intelligence. We are Love. The Rothchilds and Bipartisan Political Elites that control the World Banks, that line each other’s pockets to ensure generational wealth for their ‘kind’ and have implemented systems that keep US under their heels are afraid of the Power we possess as a unified unit. George Floyd is but one of over a century’s worth of sacrifices they have made to fill their coffers.

Stand together. Continue the fight. Do NOT relent. We must force them to continue making institutional reform that serves the people, not their bank accounts. It started with them, it ends with us.

Below is a list of Organizations, Foundations, and links to pivotal information we can use to help one another right now:


