
I’ve been gaming and involved with technology starting as far back as 5 years old and it has become more than a hobby; It’s a passionate part of my everyday life. I’ve personally subscribed to countless newsletters, checked into dozens of websites regularly, and been involved in forums in a bid to stay abreast with the ever changing gaming and technological landscape.

In doing this, I have always had the desire to share my passion and have discussions about some of the things I love and enjoy. If I can provide someone with new information in the process, then all the better! That is what I’m here to deliver; A focused, comfortable pit stop for like-minded gamers and techies looking for news and updates delivered in an easy to read, digestible manner. This includes, articles, media, and info on some of the latest software.

Case in point: I want to provide the energy and enjoyment we all look for when engaging with our favorite hobbies!